
Showing posts from May, 2012

Comedy is not Twitty

Steve Martin ‏ @ SteveMartinToGo Never too busy to help others, I take time from my vacation to spend quality hours with St. Barth's village idiot.  http://   January 13, 2012

Sorority rarity

Top Tracks for Boswell Sisters

Put Coach in me, I'm ready to play, &c.

Coach says assistants must have hot wives Don't bother asking Vanderbilt's James Franklin for a job unless your spouse "looks the part."   Writer calls it 'creepy' Author says 'I can make you hot' Reality star Kelly Bensimon says you should eat a carb-heavy meal every day — just not for dinner.   Style tips, too Mom graduates alongside her triplets Denise Peles left a dead-end job to join her three daughters in an accounting program. 'We're our group' This poor guy has a problem Paulo Henrique wanted to look like the Hulk, but he mistakenly used the wrong kind of paint.   See full photo Adorable hamster can 'drop dead' Watch what happens when this fuzzy little creature is shot by this man's dangerous finger.   Bang Boy catches a ride on a shark A young sea nomad's impromptu encounter is among the entries in a photo contest. Other stunning images Family stunned by 'cleaning fairy' visit They thought a...

Human Auction

Described below C urrently at eBay under "Henry Hazlitt", among the hundreds of old c. 1946-1966 Newsweek s and Reader's Digest s, the latter ...  digesting ... Henry's columns in the former: TIME WILL RUN BACK: A NOVEL ABOUT THE REDISCOVERY OF CAPITALISM Item condition: Like New Time left: (May 31, 2012 22:13:21 PDT) Starting bid: US  $2.29 [ 1  bid  ] Compare to $15.00 and up for the same edition at Bookfinder. Now if they'd do a graphic novel of it, it might resemble the one, above, pictured among the " Similar items ". You go, Henry - though unlike the Time in his title, he appears, with all the  Will in the world, to be Run ning forward rather than Back ... Among the seller's other items :  ESAR'S COMIC DICTIONARY by Evan Esar 1960 "THE LAUGHING WEBSTER ... Arranged Laffabetically from A to Z ... " Thinking About Religion: A Reader Ivan Strenski Here is a textbook anthology from 2006 , published by Wiley-Blackwell and edited b...

Gillette - the best a Mom can get

R ead this book--Mommy said you could.  - Penn Jillette, Penn and Teller, on   Free-Range Kids, How to Raise Safe, Self-Reliant Children (Without Going Nuts with Worry) Library Journal Starred Review - Skenazy flies the black flag of America’s Worst Mom, a title this syndicated columnist and NPR commentator earned by allowing her nine-year-old son to ride the New York City public transit alone in 2008. Here, she puts parents? fears to bed by examining the statistical likelihood of the dangers we most fear (murder, baby-snatching, etc.). Drawing on facts, statistics, and humor, she convincingly argues that this is one of the safest periods for children in the history of the world, reiterating that mostly, the world is safe and mostly, people are good. Even the lowest-flying helicopter parents would have trouble disagreeing that we have entered an era that says you cannot trust yourself. Trust a product instead. Skenazy argues that it’s time to retire the national pastime of ...

Disparate time signatures call for disparate measures


Other than that, St. Joan, how did you like the steak?

                                           Phil Davison 2.0                                                          ScottLahti   27 minutes ago Kathie Lee Doesn't Know Martin Short's Wife Is Dead [Video] Kim Kardashian: I Hate Indian Food, Not Indian People


A mong the letters  - from Perry Anderson, as well as on George Kennan, Karl Popper, and the British empire, in the LRB for June 7, 2012: The Real Thing Bernard Porter’s account of the ambiguities of anthropology as it played in our ‘civilising mission’ in Africa brought to mind a story told by the American anthropologist Elizabeth Colson, who has studied the Tonga people of South Zambia for sixty years ( LRB , 10 May ). In the 1940s some earnest young Tongans told her they’d come to the conclusion that the Bible contained the knowledge that was the secret of European power over them. They didn’t trust the Bibles available from the local missions because they believed that the key passages had been cut out before the Bibles were distributed to Africans. They were hoping she had brought some unexpurgated copies with her. Derek Summerfield London SE5

The paper lion as paper tiger

Indigo/Getty Images Rebekah Brooks, then chief executive of Rupert Murdoch’s company News International, with Murdoch and his son James at the Cheltenham Horse Racing Festival, March 18, 2010. Brooks resigned from News International in July 2011 after the Guardian reported that the News of the World had engaged in phone hacking in the early 2000s while she was its editor. In May 2012 she was charged with “conspiracy to pervert the course of justice” for concealing materials from police investigating phone hacking and bribery allegations. What Rupert Hath Wrought! Geoffrey Wheatcroft ... the great awe, or plain fear, Murdoch inspires ... has shaped our national life for a generation. In her testimony to Leveson, Brooks said that she was “elected” by her readers, which is cute but silly and offensive. No one elects tabloid editors. She also said at one point, with fascinating self-importance, that “we needed to get the Welfare Bill through,” as though the News International tabloids wer...

Mormon Tavernhackle Choir

Idaho bans liquor with 'offensive' label State regulators refuse to stock a vodka called Five Wives that references polygamy. 'Masterful marketing' 0 Thumbs Up Thumbs Down 1 Scott    •    North Berwick, Maine    •    2 minutes 4 seconds ago   Remove My Five Wives ? Was that the unscreened early 1960s sitcom pilot with Fred MacMurray whose closing credits zoom in on a row of ten lady-legs in five kinds of shoes and a pair of dainty hands accordioning the onscreen names? Or did I just dream that now? When they found out *I* had five wives, they said I was selfish; that's funny, I thought it was rather big a'me ... 0 Thumbs Up Thumbs Down 0 NickD    •    15 minutes ago   Report Abuse Now you're just stealing old lines. How many decades have you been waiting to use that old saw? 0 Thumbs Up Thumbs Down 0 Wizard Of ID    •    Moscow, Idaho    •    5 minutes ago   Report Abuse H...