Mormon Tavernhackle Choir

Bottles of Ogden's Own Distillery Five Wives Vodka are stocked at a state liquor store in Salt Lake City (AP)

Idaho bans liquor with 'offensive' label

State regulators refuse to stock a vodka called Five Wives that references polygamy.'Masterful marketing'

Scott  •  North Berwick, Maine  •  2 minutes 4 seconds ago Remove
My Five Wives? Was that the unscreened early 1960s sitcom pilot with Fred MacMurray whose closing credits zoom in on a row of ten lady-legs in five kinds of shoes and a pair of dainty hands accordioning the onscreen names? Or did I just dream that now? When they found out *I* had five wives, they said I was selfish; that's funny, I thought it was rather big a'me ...

  • NickD
    NickD  •  15 minutes ago Report Abuse
    Now you're just stealing old lines. How many decades have you been waiting to use that old saw?

  • Wizard of ID
    Wizard Of ID  •  Moscow, Idaho  •  5 minutes ago Report Abuse
    Hey, it made me laugh

  • Scott
    Scott  •  North Berwick, Maine  •  3 minutes 13 seconds ago Remove
    "But it's my only line" - Monty Python's Flying Circus ("Art Critic", "Buying a Bed", &c.)

  • Scott
    Scott •  North Berwick, Maine  • a second agoRemove
    Well, thank you, Wiz - it's what sustained me in my time of trouble (after Butch Cassidy to Flatnose Curry)
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