Feral Burro of Instigation, or, 2025 Mules: a Judah Spree de l'Escalier, scarring Kash Ankeri, the Newest Dal/Reaction Figure from Patel®

David French:

"[FBI pick Kash] Patel is so absurdly devoted to [45/47] that he wrote a children's book about him called 'The Plot Against the King,' in which he describes the Russia investigation as a plot by 'Hillary Queenton' against 'King Donald.'

"In December 2023, he told [45's] former adviser Steve Bannon, 'We're going to come after the people in the media who lied about American citizens who helped Joe Biden rig presidential elections.'

"'We're going to come after you,' he continued, 'whether it's criminally or civilly. We'll figure that out.'"

Announcer: Hello, and welcome to this week's episode of "Ol' Jeez an' New Deez," a lighthearted interfaith interface that attempts to discern the ways, if any, in which those claiming to be disciples of our co-host - Jeez, not Deez - live in service to their lip service. Deez, we'll start with you.

Deez (after DSL, "popular" award-winning - true, no quotes, that part - author of apartment319.blogspot.com): Thank you. Jeez, I understand, and damn me to hell for all eternity, rivers of blood and lakes of fire if I'm wrong, that among the millions who voted for the sort of "values" of "eye for an eye" and "tit for tat" sketched in the passages above are many who claim you as their Savior. What gives, JayCee?

Jeez: Yeah, I know - "I got piercin's on my wrists, &c., for *them*?". Anybody knows me, though, knows my answer cannot be other than "*especially* them." What part of "least of my brothers" do we not understand, not least when confronted with hypocrites who, like the poor, if in the main here poor in spirit, primarily, will always be among us since poverty, being relative, will always find *someone* at the proverbial bottom suitable as a political prop? And since as you will recall I back in the day was known to, as your H.L. (*His Lordship?*) Mencken used to say, "hoist a schooner of malt" or whatever it was at the keggers at Nazz Tech, with the lowest of lowlifes in the way of thieves, whores - sorry, "sex enslaved persons," if I have the current Babel right: mustn't cross the picky lines over at Twitter, or now, I'm flattered, X - Communists *avant la Lettre* (from St. Karl to the Berliners, Frankfurters, Hamburgers, Braunschweigers and Liverwursters 18:48), libertarians, "X"-libertarians (*Deez raises hand in smirking self-mockery*), punning pop parodists (*and the other hand*) - need I say more, nudge, nudge? Am I right, Am Eric, an Idle?

Deez: "Come, fix upon me that accusing eye. I thirst for accusation." - (are you reeling in the) Yeats. So, Jeez, I take it that unlike some of us sinners you're not planning on a terminal, so to speak, flight out of JFK at precisely noon on January 20, for one, or any, among the divers world capitals yet to be determined, Pyongyang not excepted?

Jeez: Oh, g-d (*sorry, Dad*), hell no - in fact (*commences to levitate toward automatic studio door thence to elevator, darting arms playfully back and forth after The Bangles' "Walk Like an Egyptian"*), I've got an important dinner, a First if not Last, Supper I can only hope, at Mar-a-Lago - with, speaking of people known to assemble cabinets, *inter all-a ya* and don'cha know, Pete "Don't put all your" Hegseth "in one basket of deplorables" an' Liddle Narco - what? Sorry: Marco (*Pol-O! Jennie-O®! Lemon Pepper Incorporated®!") - an' Bobby FK - speaking of flying away from JFK on the Big Day: will somebody please say "Uncle" (*too soon?*) an' Kristi Alaska-Chomsky - what? Sorry, Noem - an' Tulsa Gadarene, Gabardine, Gabbard-Dean - THAT SAUL, FOLKS! What? She's not "Gabardine"? Now wait, speaking of slaves, just a cotton-picayune minute: I will not be worsted in my own house blend of fabrics, not even in this thinnest of threads ... and last and Dadliest of all, The Once 45 and Future 47 Himself, the King of Queens by other means, who, much after me because how could he have been before me?, and to put it mildly, has long had not just Father Issues™ all his own - but also a patent-pending penchant for accidentally-on-purpose G-d-handling peoples' names the better to raise a few one-shekel yuks - and where would your blog, Deez, be without *those*? - among the groundlings in the bone-white bleachers. So until next time, let's Make Aramaic G-dly Again - and Next Year at the Witches' Sabbath in Jew-Rue Salem!©

(*Deez simulates queuing a turntable with two vintage Christmas LPs as the audio engineers at "Ol' Jeez an' New Deez" play J an' D out with Josh Groban, "O Holy Night"

with Kelly Clarkson -

- if not, per Tracy Morgan, "Clarky Kellson" - for chaser.


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