Nuge, you can spooge

Ted Nugent Booted From Army Concert

... Nugent said the concert cancellation was an "insult" and maintained that he was merely exercising his First Amendment rights when he told the NRA convention that Obama was running a "vile, evil, America-hating administration."

"To think that there's a bureaucrat in the United States Army that would consider the use or abuse of First Amendment rights in determining who is going to perform at an Army base is an insult and defiles the sacrifices of those heroes who fought for the U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights," Nugent told the Associated Press ...

Scott  •  North Berwick, Maine  •  38 minutes ago
Ted Nugent, hiding behind the First Amendment, as though it had any application in these precincts: P**** of the Week - or of the Year?
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  • Bobby
    Bobby  •  Fort Polk, Louisiana  •  23 minutes ago Report Abuse
    Hiding behind it? He's making USE of it like YOU just did, hammerhead! It is his (wait for it) RIGHT as written in the Bill of Rights.
  • Scott
    Scott  •  North Berwick, Maine  •  6 minutes ago
    No, here he's just hiding behind it to absolve himself - and, apparently as well, his fan base of wingnut thumb-suckers, cry-babies and pants-wetters - of any impetus toward education, toward thinking for oneself, and for accepting professional rejection with good grace and like a man. Dragging in the 1A in such precincts is a mug's game - it only protects your speech, jacko, from landing you in a prison camp, not from canceled gigs in the event you shoot what's left of your mouth off expecting no price or repercussion whatever. Which latter, in other words, is the mark of the two-year-old; in exercising my own free speech to describe "Uncle" Ted I myself might ape him - as it, and he, were and is, respectively if not respectably - in using any number of fightin' words - though "man", alas, is not among them.


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