Still puzzled by the nature of their game?

Very Self-Aware Grandma Grifter Sarah Palin Calls Nancy Pelosi ‘Dingbat’
Everyone RELAX because Sarah Palin has officially weighed in on our freedom, and how it has been taken away by the Supreme Court and Obamacare.

What Part of ‘Religious Freedom To Hold Whites-Only Bible Study’ Don’t You Understand, Alabama?
Hop to it, Jews. Also, please try to stop infringing on Rev. William Collier’s religious liberty, by existing.

Louisiana Was Totally Cool With Paying For Kids To Go To Religious Schools Until Other Religions Show Up
Yes, apparently when you shove through legislation that allows religious organizations to receive state funding, Christians aren’t the only ones who want it — an Islamic school was one of 38 institutions approved for the voucher program, which is a huge problem for people who believe religion helps children so long as it is the religion of the swamp people they are representing.

Why Does Chris Rock Hate Slavery So Much?
Did you know that Chris Rock and Don Cheadle are true traitors for noting that the enslavement of black people was very much “a thing” during the signing of the Declaration of Independence?

John Stossel Proves Homeless People Do Not Need Charity Since They Are All Probably John Stossel In Disguise
Who got all the Pulitzer Prizes for Investigative Reporting before John Stossel came along to show us all how it is done? Did they even have Pulitzers back then, and if so, why did they bother?

Hero Border Patrol Chick Cold-Cocks Lady For Complaining About Public Knob-Gobbling
Hero Border Patrol agent Kallie Helwig simply could not keep Gerald Torello Jr.’s cock out of her mouth at a recent Cirque du Soleil show in Del Mar, California (just up the road from San Diego).

Kentucky Tea Party Sells ‘Yup, I’m A Racist’ Fourth Of July T-Shirts
Yes, the brown “INFIDEL” t-shirts read, “Everything I Need to Know About Islam I Learned on 9/11,” which is why they are calling themselves “infidels,” for irony.
And probably eats tofu, too.
And probably eats tofu, too.

Like Jesus Used To: Newt Gingrich Laments That Teachers Aren’t Bullying Gay Children Enough
Why do school boards hate Newt Gingrich’s brilliant ideas so much?

The Totally True And 100 Percent Not Fictional Resignation Letter Of Rep. Thad McCotter, For Real
For it has suffered Calumnies and Indignities, and probably merciless Savages also too!

‘Born-Again-Virgin’ Bristol Palin To Shack Up With Cool Boyfriend, Renames It ‘Trial Marriage’
The ladies on The View should have had Levi Johnston’s sister Mercede on to talk about this, since Bristol Palin’s terrible greasy boyfriend, Gino Paoletti, is Mercede’s ex.

Peggy Noonan Knows That Even Democrats Will Not Be That Sad When Obama Loses
Peggy Noonan is sorry — really, you can feel her tender concern — at Barack Obama’s stubborn insistence on dividing the country and making Republicans hate him. It is his fault, though; he did insist on being and winning election as a Democrat, and a “suntanned” one at that.

Stuff People Don’t Know About ObamaCare, Harumph!
More than two years after the law passed, and three years after versions of it were coming out of committee, most mainstream media outlets have never bothered to explain the law at all. Usually the routine goes like, say, “Welcome to CNN, I am your host, the Wolf. Today we’re going to talk about health care reform. Which political party wins? We will have a Republican political consultant and a Democratic political consultant talk past each other at the top of the hour.” At the top of the hour, no actual information is passed on to the viewer.

Deadbeat Congressman Joe Walsh Simply Cannot Stop Mocking Double Amputee Tammy Duckworth’s Military Service
Oh yeah, he’s at it again. At what again? Paying his rent? Or his child support? HAHA DON’T BE RIDICULOSE! No, deadbeat congressman Joe Walsh is once again sneering at his opponent, Tammy Duckworth, who lost both her legs flying a helicopter in Iraq and now works in Veterans Affairs.

I hear his Maserati does 185, he lost his license, now he don't drive.

Rush Limbaugh’s Hot 35-Year-Old Fourth Wife So Mad You Guys
It seems Kathryn Rush is not taking too kindly to being snubbed and lambasted by everyone she’s ever met for being bound in holiest matrimony to a sweaty, loathsome, snorfling, terribly inelegant and not-nice! person like Limbaugh, who of course apologized for “those two words” — slut and prostitute — but not the idea behind them, namely that every woman to come of age since Griswold v. Connecticut is doing sex for money, on her back. (Perhaps in Rush’s experience this has been true?)
A Children’s Treasury Of Wingnut Remembrances Of Communist Traitor Andy Griffith, Who Burns In Hell
Maybe Griffith was subverted by that radical Marxist Ron Howard! Oh, and did anyone notice that Andy Griffith died the week after Obamacare was determined to be Constitutional? Surely those two events must be connected! Because as we all know, old people mostly die from Politics. But let’s see what the patriots at Free Republic have to say!


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