What's blood for the goose

A production of "The Vagina Monologues" in Rabat rekindled the sexual freedom debate
An actress performs a scene from the play "Vagina Monologues" written by Eve Ensler and directed by Naïma Zitane, in Rabat on June 16. Morocco's debate on sexual freedom was rekindled with the opening last month of the play in Rabat. (AFP Photo/Alice Dufour-Ferance) RELATED ARTICLE: MOROCCO SEX DEBATE RAGES AFTER IMAM'S DEATH CALL

In my "answer play", The Penis Manual Logs, (written under the joint noms de coq of Steve Stenciler and Jacques Offenoff) the corresponding character, one of 69 who read from their wanking registers*,

*E.g., "2100 hours, 1/5/11: 9 O'Clock Wednesday wank, while watching Progressive commercial and fantasizing a text-messaging Flo's being impressed by my Anthony Wiener-like pics ('Now that's Extensive') after explaining to me her company's Safe-Sex Discount"

waves not his bloody shorts but rather a c. 1974 Montgomery Ward women's-lingerie catalog. 

I'd also like to see an Oprah-produced remake of Good Times with a cross-dressing Jimmie Walker headlining as VaJayJay, thus giving rise to the feministing catchphrase "GynoMIGHT!"


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