Eighteen-Tenths of the Law

Fans of the great lost American essayist John Jay Chapman (1862-1933), and Internet quote hounds in general, may have read that

People who love soft methods and hate iniquity forget this,—that reform consists in taking a bone from a dog. Philosophy will not do it.*

I was amused to recall Chapman's line upon seeing this at Yahoo! -
Is this the most dangerous job in America?

Being a repo man is tough enough, but wait till you find out just what it is these people repossess
Have to wear bulletproof vests


DSL.s Who Liked Chapman On Taking Bones From Dogs Also Liked:
Front Cover
Nothing is economic if it is not electric. - "Leitmotiv" on the title page of The Electro-Individualistic Manifesto ("The Anti-Thesis of the Communistic Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, and the Synthesis of Social-Individualism") by Heinrich Charles (1913), "Dedicated to the Pioneers of Science, the Inventors and the Jovians."

"Electricity will solve the Social problem!"


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