F rom an email exchange today, in which my interlocutor appears in italics; " X ", of course, does not, at least not in this context, denote silent-film star Francis X. Bushman : [ Quoting Conor Friedersdorf ] "So why are so many liberty-invoking 2nd Amendment absolutists reliable Republican voters, as if the GOP's stance on that issue somehow makes up for its shortcomings? And why do they so seldom speak up about threats to the Bill of Rights that don't involve guns?" Here's one answer among probable others: Because they are just looking for a convenient noble rationalization for their desire to play with their toys. Acting completely on the basis of an understanding or resolution is the very thing that almost no one will ever do. It is why hypocrisy is really the only "sin" that X ever speaks about, because it is the final and real measure of one's relation with the infinite, with God, whatever you want to call it - with something tha...
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