The Parry Queene by Edmund Fencer

A Rocky Mountain friend writes:
My son won 3rd place tonight. He fenced very well this evening.
A Rocky Mountain friend writes:
My son won 3rd place tonight. He fenced very well this evening.
Bravo, lad.
He can show his prowess when seeking approval from a homeowners' association under the proverb about good fencing making for good neighbors.
From the listings at TV Garde:
9:00 pm Deloitte and Touché (TFC - The Fencing Channel): Touché helps Deloitte foil criminal penalties during an IRS audit with a sudden lunge and the plea, "Crime doesn't épée".
Parody-Porn Boxes We'd Like to See:
Just the Tip
From the makers of Three Musky Tears: After noticing that even when taking épée he lunged at the urinal, she had learned to sabre his every advance - especially the last one, the merest recall of which could make her feel feint. With Parry Maysin and Randee Riposte. Featuring the hit "Point in Line" by MaDonna Summer.
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