Aisle Be $eeing You
Highly nutritious foods are often low in cost. Among them are bananas, carrots, potatoes, whole-wheat flour, and dried beans—the sort of high fiber foods that nutritionists now recommend. They also tend to come with minimal packaging—an environmental plus. - Wellness Made Easy: 365 Tips for Better Health , by the University of California, Berkeley Wellness Letter A s with the taking of a daily cold swim, cold shower or cold bath - or the eating of hot peppers - under which early resistance finds itself vanquished by a habituated second-wind relish of the wholesome fruits of disciplined hardihood, an adherence while at the grocer's over each 30-day cycle to a cost ceiling - $100, say - can apply a whetstone to the blades of the soul all its own. In a time when it is not at all uncommon for urban humans to spend $5 or more each weekday upon the "food" under the black (they're only gold-plated) arches, or at...